Entries by admin

The Hinterkaifeck Murders

This is a full chapter about The Hinterkaifeck Murders from my book True Crime Stories Vol.4. In the early 1920s, the people of Germany faced numerous hardships. The government was forced to pay reparations for World War I to France and Great Britain and it lost 13% of its territory as part of the Treaty of […]

True Crime $0.99 Weekend Sale

Saturday 22nd to Monday 24th April WEEKEND SALE Get these 6 books for $0.99 each! True Crime Stories Vol.4 – $0.99 True Crime Stories Vol.5 – $0.99 Eric Edgar Cooke: The True Story of The Night Caller – $0.99 The Briley Brothers: The True Story of The Slaying Brothers – $0.99 Cary Stayner: The True […]

The Disappearance and Murder of Ryan Lane

This is a full chapter from one of the stories of my book True Crime Stories Vol.3. The Disappearance and Murder of Ryan Lane The modern world has provided all of us with some pretty amazing things that have made our lives easier. Cars and airplanes have made travel a breeze, while dishwashers, washers, and […]

The Villisca Axe Murders

This is a full chapter from one of the stories of my book True Crime Stories Vol.2. In 1912, Villisca was a small Midwestern town in Iowa with a population of just 2,500. Despite its size, it was a busy little town with trains coming and going every day, businesses up and down the streets, […]

The Murder of 13-year old Anna Palmer

Read a Chapter From My New Series, True Crime Stories Last month I released the first book in my new book series “True Crime Anthology” called True Crime Stories. Most of my other books are about serial killers, so I thought that I would make a new series of books that focus on other murder […]

Cool or Disturbing True Crime T-shirts?

Cool or Disturbing Serial Killer T-shirts? True crime has always been a sensetive subject. Some people love it (yay!) and some people don’t understand how we “weird” true crime fanatics can read and obsess over this topic. We love with we love, even if it is horrible in it self. How about True Crime T-shirts? Is […]

Get one Jack Rosewood Audiobook for FREE via Audible

What’s good true crime fanatics? Do you just like to read true crime or do you like other forms such as documentaries or audiobooks perhaps? I’m in the process of getting all my books up and available on Audible, the biggest platform for audiobooks (owned by Amazon). You can actually get any of my audiobooks […]

How About A FREE E-Book?

Who Doesn’t Like Free stuff right? You can grab your free copy of Herbert Mullin: The True Story of The Psycopath of Santa Cruz by clicking here and signing up for my newsletter. Being a subscriber of my newsletter has many perks like receiving Free books, getting all my books on discounts during promos and […]